Who: Teams of Architects, Engineers, Contractors or Student Teams.
Why: It starts with one CAN. To feed the hungry. To lift a spirit. To change the world.
100,000+ Alaskans, including 30,000+ children, access hunger relief programs supported by the Food Bank of Alaska. CANstruction's annual Design/Build competition puts a visual spotlight on hunger while showcasing the Anchorage design community's best & brightest.
When: March 20, 2020
Where: Dimond Center Mall (800 E Dimond Blvd, Anchorage, AK 99515)
Theme: Anchorage 2020: CANstructing the Future
What: Design and build structures made entirely from CANned food within a 10'x10'x10' area. See instructions rules and regulations for more information.
Awards will be given in the following categories
Best Original Design #bestoriginaldesign
Most CANs #mostCANs
People's Choice #peopleschoice
Best use of Labels #bestuseoflabels
Structural Ingenuity #structuralingenuity
Food Bank of Alaska #fbamostwanted (see more here)
Additional Info: See Links above. Have questions/comments/ideas, email us at info@canstruction-anchorage.org
2020 TEAMS
Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) - CANtankerous CANstructors
Coffman Engineers
Dimond High School - Engineering Academy
Enterprise Engineering, Inc.
HDR & others - EQ CAN Crew
Lounsbury & Associates
Nana WorleyParsons - CAN-Do Innovators
PND Engineers - Power Pack
R&M Consultants, Inc.
RIM Architects/ Reid Middleton
November 1, 2019
Registration Deadline
Teams pay fee, only need to commit to having a team.
November 19, 2019 @ 1730
Team Captain's Meeting
One representative from each team attends a meeting the the committee to get more info and ask any questions they have. Meeting will be held at Food Bank of Alaska.
December 6, 2019
Preliminary Design Due
Email a sketch (PDF or JPEG) to the committee @ info@canstruction-anchorage.org. The sketch can include any level of detail you wish.
January 10, 2020
CAN Orders
Download form for Carrs or Fred Meyer. Follow instructions on form.
March 13, 2020
CAN Drop
CAN Delivery to FBA. Teams do a general inspection of the delivery for CANs that are missing
March 17, 2020
Order Additional CANs
Deadline to notify Fred Meyer/Carrs if CANs were missing or issues with colors.
March 20, 2020
Build Day
Teams will be building, the public is welcome to view the action in progress
March 21-28, 2020
Free Public Display of CANstructures and #peopleschoice voting.
Spend some time walking around all the awesome CANstructures throughout the Dimond Center.
March 30, 2020
Structures are taken apart. Teams must help de-CANstruct if their structure.
Awards Ceremony
For participating teams only